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TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION B327 Letting Management Section Director Austin, Texas

Manages and directs the Letting and Project Funding Section of the Financial Management Division. Responsible for Department transportation programming and letting activities to implement the Department's policies, procedures and practices; advises management and others on financial aspects of transportation programming, letting project scheduling, and legislative requirements; responsible for financial and cost accounting systems, policies, procedures and reporting, federal billing and other revenue and grant accounting activities. Reports directly to the Financial Management Division Director. Work requires contact with high-level executives, federal, state and local agencies, independent auditors, financial institutions and advisors. Employees at this level are virtually self-supervising and assume direct accountability for the work product.Essential Duties:Coordinates data collection efforts and preparation of financial and regulatory reports required by law, regulations and the Department.Directs the development, administration and monitoring of the Department's funding and letting schedule.Directs the oversight and review of both federal and state Letters of Authority.Directs the planning, developing and recommending of program guidelines, policies, procedures, funding allocations, enhancements and methodologies.Oversees billings to obtain reimbursements from FHWA, FAA, FRA, FTA, NHTSA and other federal entities on Federal Aid Projects.Oversees federal revenue collection, depositing, and recording duties.Oversees final FHWA voucher activities for the Department.Prepares timely financial information and advises management and others on financial, transportation programming and letting, budgeting and legislative requirements.Represents the Department concerning financial matters.Researches complex fiscal matters and analyzes proposed legislation.Ensure department compliance with all Federal grantsandrsquo; guidance in support of 2 CFR 200 Federal Uniform Guidance and other Federal regulations.Develop and implement professional development training programs for required Federal grants guidance in support of 2 CFR 200 Federal Uniform Guidance.Coordinates updates to the Unified Transportation Program (UTP) and yearly letting schedules.Directs, initiates, coordinates and approves updates to the TxDOTCONNECT system data to ensure construction project programming data is accurate and current.Performs other job responsibilities as assigned
