Job Information
TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION N854 Maritime Program Coordinator II/III (Ferry Coordinator) - Maritime Division Austin, Texas
Program Coordinator IIAdministers [complex] state and federal maritime grant programs and projects. Conducts project management review, oversight andcompliance monitoring of complex applications, grant agreements, procurements, reimbursements, audits and administrativerequirements to determine compliance with federal and state requirements, laws, regulations, policies, and procedures. Workrequires contact with departmental managers, high-level executives, governmental officials and/or private entities. Employees atthis level establish their own work plan and priorities to meet set objectives. Issues are rarely referred to the supervisor butare handled at the occurrence.Program Coordinator IIIAdministers [highly advanced] state and federal maritime grant programs and projects. Oversees project management review,oversight and compliance monitoring of complex applications, grant agreements, procurements, reimbursements, audits andadministrative requirements to determine compliance with federal and state requirements, laws, regulations, policies, andprocedures. [May Serve as Lead Worker]. Work requires contact with departmental managers, high-level executives, governmentalofficials and/or private entities. Employees at this level are virtually self-supervising and assume direct accountability forthe work product.Essential Duties:Program Coordinator IIActs as district or division liaison in area of expertise.Coordinates data collection, evaluations, analyses, studies and/or plan development and assists in research andpreparation of maritime reports.Coordinates planning projects involving districts, divisions, various transportation and maritime interests, researchendeavors with universities and/or other local, state and federal agencies.Provides technical assistance on program requirements to government agencies, transit providers, community organizationsand the general public.Develops contract requirements or specifications in support of programs or projects.Reviews and evaluates maritime plans and related documents to ensure compliance with applicable state or federalrequirements and conformance to acceptable professional standards.Plans, develops and recommends program guidelines, policies, procedures, enhancements and methodologies.Stays abreast of transportation industry changes and requirements, policies, procedures and legislation.Writes internal/external correspondence/reports/lists/forms/updates/memos concerning programs and projects.Performs other job responsibilities as assigned.Program Coordinator IIIEnsures compliance with federal and state requirements concerning program administration and management.Oversees and coordinates the development and distribution of information.Represents the Department with federal, state and local officials on matters specifically related to the port andwaterways improvement program, the facility development process and other issues.Serves as subject matter expert.Serves as the division's research liaison with other agencies.Trains less experienced employees.