Job Information
Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity Horticultural worker- Trabajador horticola Columbia Station, Michigan
We are seeking 48 horticultural workers for various crop types, including Trees, Shrubs, Field Grown Nursery Stock (3 gallons and greater), Bare Root Nursery, Annuals, and Perennials (Balled and Burlapped). Please note, propagation duties are not included in this role. General Responsibilities: - Record information about crops, including pesticide use, yields, and costs. - Direct and supervise seasonal labor during planting and harvesting processes. - Participate in inspection, grading, sorting, storage, and post-harvest treatment of crops. - Harvest, transplant, pot, and label plants. - Repair and maintain farm vehicles, implements, and mechanical equipment. - Set up and operate irrigation systems. - Identify plants, pests, and weeds to select and apply appropriate pesticides and fertilizers. - Clean work areas and maintain grounds and landscaping. - Sell and deliver plants and flowers to customers. - Regulate greenhouse conditions and oversee indoor and outdoor irrigation systems. - Inspect plants' leaves for color changes to detect potential insect or disease issues. - Provide information and advice to the public regarding the selection, purchasing, and care of plants and related products. - Maintain and repair irrigation and climate control systems. - Dig, cut, and transplant seedlings, cuttings, trees, and shrubs. - Record data regarding plants and plant growth. - Maintain inventory and order materials as necessary. - Prepare soil for planting by digging, raking, and screening, filling cold frames and hot beds. - Assess plant quality by inspecting buds and ties. - Use wheelbarrows, tractors, and electric carts to move containerized plants and trees. - Tie, bunch, and pack flowers, plants, shrubs, and trees for orders. - Haul and spread topsoil, fertilizer, peat moss, and other materials for soil conditioning. - Repair farm buildings, fences, and other structures. - Utilize gardening tools to plant, spray, weed, fertilize, water, and prune plants, shrubs, and trees. - Operate tractors, tractor-drawn machinery, and self-propelled equipment for plowing, harrowing, fertilizing, planting, cultivating, spraying, and harvesting crops. - Load agricultural products into trucks for transport. - Properly licensed workers may be designated to drive employer vehicles for transporting fellow workers to work sites and to the store on a weekly basis. Work Locations: Cuyahoga and Lake County, Ohio.
Estamos buscando 48 trabajadores de horticultura para varios tipos de cultivos, incluidos árboles, arbustos, material de vivero cultivado en el campo (3 galones y más), vivero de raíz desnuda, anuales y perennes (en cepellón y arpillera). Tenga en cuenta que las tareas de propagación no están incluidas en este puesto. Responsabilidades generales: - Registrar información sobre cultivos, incluido el uso de pesticidas, rendimientos y costos. - Dirigir y supervisar la mano de obra estacional durante los procesos de plantación y cosecha. - Participar en la inspección, clasificación, clasificación, almacenamiento y tratamiento poscosecha de cultivos. - Cosechar, trasplantar, plantar en macetas y etiquetar plantas. - Reparar y mantener vehículos agrícolas, implementos y equipos mecánicos. - Instalar y operar sistemas de riego. - Identificar plantas, plagas y malezas para seleccionar y aplicar pesticidas y fertilizantes adecuados. - Limpiar las áreas de trabajo y mantener los terrenos y el paisajismo. - Vender y entregar plantas y flores a los clientes. - Regular las condiciones del invernadero y supervisar los sistemas de riego interior y exterior. - Inspeccionar las hojas de las plantas para detectar cambios de color para detectar posibles problemas de insectos o enfermedades. - Brindar información y asesoramiento al público sobre la selección, compra y cuidado de plantas y productos relacionados. - Mantener y reparar sistemas de riego y control del clima. - Cavar, cortar y trasplantar plántulas, esquejes, árboles y arbustos. -