Job Information
Arizona Employer Combination Building Inspector in Lake Havasu City, Arizona
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Below is the job functions for Combination Building Inspector Senior:\
Performs first line supervisory and advanced level work involved in assuring the compliance of new construction and alterations to existing structures with the building, electrical, mechanical, plumbing, fire and septic codes and adherence to approved plans and specifications for the Building Division of the Development Services Department. This class functions at the senior level to the Combination Building Inspector series.
Work is performed under the direction of a higher level of authority and requires independent decisions according to established procedures.
Exercises direct immediate to general supervision of subordinates.
Essential Job Functions
- Supervises, coordinates and performs a variety of administrative staff work such as: scheduling; maintaining records; responding to requests for information or services; performing related administrative, planning and research activities; and preparing correspondence, reports, statistical information and may prepare budgetmaterials.
- Prepares performance evaluations; may make hiring recommendations; recommends disciplinary actions; reviews vacations and time off requests; prepares work schedules and assignments; supervises the activities of assigned personnel.
- Reviews the more complex and technical construction and site plans to ensure that work is being done according to approved plans and ensuring codecompliance.
- Discusses changes with contractors and authorizes some code compliancealternatives.
- Investigates,responds,counselsandresolvescomplaintsinvolvingissuancesofcitations,buildinginspectionsandprocedures, or other related building inspectionissues.
- Inspects more complex new construction at various phases of completion to ensure compliance with the various codes and approved plans andspecifications.
- Ensures compliance to codes and approved plans and specifications through inspection of single and multi-family residential, commercial and industrial buildings, alterations to existing structures, including remodeling, room additions, patio covers, etc., and inspects swimming pools, spas, propane heaters, gas lines, retaining walls, electric service and manufactured homes.
- Issues approvals or rejections at each of the inspectionphases.
- Issues notices for non-compliance to codes and deviations from approved plans andspecifications.
- Issues notices for work being done without the necessarypermits.
- Meets with contractors, homeowners, and others to discuss deficiencies and possible corrections and respond to inquiries of building inspection activities and codecompliance.
- Investigatescomplaintsandnotifieshigherlevelofauthorityoftheresultsoftheinvestigationtodetermineoutcomeofcomplaint.
- Maintains awareness of new and revised codes and construction methods andmaterials.
- Assist Infiredamageinspections,dangerousbuildingsinspections,damageinspectionfollowingemergenciesordisastersper FEMA requirements and inspections of buildings beingmoved.
- Maintains records of inspections conducted, notices issued, and updates permitrecords.
- Follows up on code violations to verifycompliance.
- Contacts utility companies with approvals so that utilities may be connected.
- Performs related work as required.
- Performs special assignments as requested.
- Exercise regular and predictable a ttendance and punctuality in accordance with Mohave County Personnel Policies and Procedures.