Job Information
EMPLOYMENT SECURITY DEPT Heavy and Tractor-Trailer Truck Drivers / Conductores de Camiones Pesados y de Tracto Camiones in Marysville, Washington
This Clearance Order job opportunity is limited to qualified, available workers that are?currently?eligible to work in the United States, per federal regulation.
Heavy and Tractor-Trailer Truck Drivers / Conductores de Camiones Pesados y de Tracto Camiones
Crop and Pay
Worker will drive semi tractor-trailer truck to/from specified destinations; maneuver trucks into and out of loading and unloading positions. $30.36 per hour
Cosecha y Pago
{dir="ltr"} El trabajador conducirá un camión con remolque hacia/desde destinos específicos; maniobrar camiones eny fuera de las posiciones de carga y descarga. $30.36 por hora
{dir="ltr"} Work Tasks to Be Performed Specifically for This Job: Worker will drive semi tractor-trailer truck to/from specified destinations; maneuver trucks into and out of loading and unloading positions. Worker must possess the ability to read a map, use GPS and successfully navigate to a specific location: complete electronic log-book; regularly climb up and down, on, into and out of tractor and trailers; complete pre-trip and post trip inspection and paperwork on trucks and trailers. Clean soiled lights, windows and mirrors.
*Tareas Específicas en el Trabajo: *[El trabajador conducirá un camión con remolque hacia/desde destinos específicos; maniobrar camiones en y fuera de las posiciones de carga y descarga. El trabajador debe poseer la capacidad de leer un mapa, utilizar GPS y navegar con éxito a una ubicación específica: completar el libro de registro electrónico; subir y bajar regularmente, subir, subir y bajar de tractores y remolques; completo pre-viaje y post-viaje Inspección y trámites en camiones y remolques. Limpiar luces, ventanas y espejos sucios.]{lang="es"}
[Job Requirements]{times="" new="" roman";="" font-size:="" 12pt"=""}
[12 months of previous work experience]{times="" new="" roman";="" font-size:="" 12pt"=""}
[Certification/License Requirements]{times="" new="" roman";="" font-size:="" 12pt"=""}
[Driver Requirements]{times="" new="" roman";="" font-size:="" 12pt"=""}
[Drug screen]{times="" new="" roman""=""}
[Willing to commit to the entire contract period]{times="" new="" roman";="" font-size:="" 12pt"=""}
[Meet all qualifications of the clearance order]{times="" new="" roman";="" font-size:="" 12pt"=""}
[Be able, willing and qualified to perform the work]{times="" new="" roman";="" font-size:="" 12pt"=""}
[Willing to work in extreme temperature]{times="" new="" roman";="" font-size:="" 12pt"=""}
[Able to lift 60 lbs. repeatedly throughout the day]{times="" new="" roman";="" font-size:="" 12pt"=""}
[Willing to make repetitive movements]{times="" new="" roman";="" font-size:="" 12pt"=""}
[Extensive pushing and pulling]{times="" new="" roman";="" font-size:="" 12pt"=""}
[Extensi ]{times="" new="" roman";="" font-size:="" 12pt"=""}