Job Information
NEKCA EHS - Head Start Home Visitor in Newport, Vermont
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Home Visitor at NEKCA supports families in goal setting, child development, and wholistic family well-being. Recognizing that families are their childs first teachers, NEKCA utilizes a strengths-based approach to help families thrive. Home Visitors utilize a variety of strategies, including home visiting and offering enrichment activities like community playgroups. Home Visitors are part of a larger Early Childhood Team at NEKCA that collaborates to provide seamless services that put families at the center.
- Carry out duties in compliance with HS Performance Standards, Content Area Plans, Vermont Child Care Licensing Regulations for Center-Based Child Care and Preschool Programs, NAEYC, Vermont Parent Child Center Quality Standards, and NEKCA Standard of Conduct.
- Complete NEKCA Performance Evaluations, Professional Development Self-Assessment, and in partnership with supervisor, Individualized
Professional Development Plan
- Be aware of indicators of child abuse and neglect and comply with Vermont Mandated Reporter Law and program Child Protection Protocol Participate in center staff meetings, monthly content area meetings, pre-service, and in-services and incorporate relevant knowledge and skills into practice
- Maintain accurate, up-to-date files on all enrolled children
- Offer weekly home visits to enrolled families that last at least 1.5 hrs. and provide a minimum of 46 visits per year (make-up visits are an hour)
- Plan 22 playgroup opportunities in partnership with parents/guardians enrolled in EHS and offer over the course of the year
- Provide services to expectant families according to the program performance standards and curriculum
- Provide orientation to the program with review of the Family Partnership Handbook, the Guide to Community Resources and with the completion of the Parent Engagement Survey and Family Interest Checklist
- Provide a monthly newsletter to all enrolled families
- Assist parents/guardians in co-planning for home visits, child development activities and playgroups per parent/guardian and child interests and goals
- Promote regular attendance in EHS activities and document
- Follow program protocol in documenting home visits, missed home visits, offer make-up visits, playgroup and parent attendance for all program offerings and all family contacts
- Write a minimum of one observation in each developmental domain per child per month for home visits and playgroups
- Put no less than 9 observations per child per assessment period in TS GOLD
- Conduct annual developmental and behavioral screenings in partnership with parent/guardian within 45 days of enrollment and review results with parent/guardian according to program protocol
- Contact Early Head Start Children\'s Services Manager if screening score shows a concern
- Implement the EHS Curriculum to fidelity
- Complete DRDP Assessment 4 times a year according to timeline
- In partnership with parents/guardians develop child goals using multiple sources of data, including but not limited to screening/assessment results, parent/ guardian home visitor observations, and One Plan/IEP Goals
- Complete Family Conference Form within 3 working weeks after the assessment is completed and put in the childs file
- Offer copies of screenings, family conference forms, home visit plans, child observations, child health data, health service summaries, and referrals after reviewing with parent/guardian and document on home visit plan
- In partnership with parents/guardians, based on developmental concerns, initiate and document referral process to appropriate agencies/providers
- Assist in implementing One Plan or Individual Education Plan (IEP), for children with special needs
- In partnership with families and appropriate community agencies/providers, participate in and ensure documentation of team meetings, evaluation process, and development of individual plans
- Staff will document all child development, health, and disability delivery of services and follow up
- Complete all registration paperwork with enrolled families within program timeline
- Complete a strength-based family assessment twice a year with all enrolled families according to timeline; update as needed
- Identify and describe family goals; document follow-up and progress
- Assess family resources, provide and record all referrals given to families
- Initiate and complete, in partnership with parent/guardian, child transition activities according to program policies
- Actively participate in program and family/child staffing
- Participate in development and implementation of community partnership activities
Core Competencies:
Work effectively as a team member
Sufficient transporta