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Melon Acres, Inc Heavy and Tractor-Trailer Truck Drivers/Conductores de camiones pesados y tractocamiones Oaktown, Michigan

2  needed to be CDL Drivers: Workers will load and unload semi-tractor trailer. Meet Delivery Appointments. Deliver products, pick up and disassemble product racks, transport company equipment and supplies needed, sweep and clean the interior and exterior of the semi-tractor trailer. Workers will maintain a log book when needed. Workers will provide a pre-trip inspection before each trip as outlined in the commercial driver's license handbook. Workers will maintain the semi-tractor trailer truck in good working condition and provide repairs when needed. Workers must operate semi-tractor trailer truck in a careful and cautious manner. . Work will primarily involve operating mechanized/power equipment. Examples of mechanized power equipment includes but is not limited to tractors, planters, sprayers, cultivators, field/mobile forklifts and other equipment. Workers will be expected to be able to operate agricultural equipment with or without direction, as well as service machinery, trucks and trailers and makes in-field repairs as needed. Work will take place in Sullivan and Knox Counties, Indiana.

Se necesitan 2  para ser [Conductor [CDL[: [Los [trabajadores [cargarán [y [descargarán[ el [semirremolque[. [Cumplir [con [las[ citas [de [entrega[. [Entregar [productos[, [recoger [y [desmontar [los[ estantes [de [productos[, [transportar [el [equipo [de [la [empresa [y [los [suministros [necesarios[, [barrer [y [limpiar [el [interior [y [el [exterior [del [semirremolque[. [Los [trabajadores [mantendrán [un [libro [de [registro [cuando [sea [necesario[. [Los [trabajadores [proporcionarán [una [inspección [previa ]{bm="366"}]{bm="364"}]{bm="362"}]{bm="360"}]{bm="358"}]{bm="356"}]{bm="354"}]{bm="353"}]{bm="351"}]{bm="349"}]{bm="347"}]{bm="345"}]{bm="343"}]{bm="341"}]{bm="339"}]{bm="337"}]{bm="335"}]{bm="333"}]{bm="332"}]{bm="330"}]{bm="328"}]{bm="326"}]{bm="324"}]{bm="322"}]{bm="320"}]{bm="318"}]{bm="316"}]{bm="314"}]{bm="312"}]{bm="311"}]{bm="309"}]{bm="307"}]{bm="305"}]{bm="303"}]{bm="301"}]{bm="299"}]{bm="297"}]{bm="295"}]{bm="293"}]{bm="291"}]{bm="290"}]{bm="288"}]{bm="287"}]{bm="286"}]{bm="284"}]{bm="282"}]{bm="280"}]{bm="278"}]{bm="277"}]{bm="275"}]{bm="273"}]{bm="272"}]{bm="270"}]{bm="269"}]{bm="268"}]{bm="266"}]{bm="264"}]{bm="262"}]{bm="261"}]{bm="260"}]{bm="259"}]{bm="257"}]{bm="255"}]{bm="253"}]{bm="251"}]{bm="249"}]{bm="248"}]{bm="246"}
